Python for DevOps, Some Resources
Hello, for anyone looking to get into the DevOps field I have a story for you. I have been learning as much as I can about using Python for DevOps. Some of the concepts went over my head and I had to study them a bit more. However there is a great book out there published by O’Reilly that really breaks concepts down.
If you are looking for some great material to learn more about DevOps with Python or just DevOps concepts in general then below I have some tips for you.
- DevOps Engineering Course for Beginners ( This is a great 2 hour long course that explains the ins and outs of DevOps in a really great easy to follow along with way. The instructor knows what he is talking about and gives you great advice and insights into the world of DevOps.
- How to Deploy Your freeCodeCamp Project on AWS — A Beginner’s Guide to the Cloud: As a follow up to the first resource this is where you can go to deploy your project once you have finished the 2 hour course. It walks you through how to deploy your DevOps project using AWS. Really great tutorial. Even if you don’t have a project to deploy just yet this is still a good read to get you prepped for when you do.
- (1) python devops two hours — YouTube: This is another tutorial on DevOps. This one is also two hours but it is recorded from the author of Python for DevOps which is a the book I mentioned at the beginning of this article. The course covers the topics that the book goes through but in video format. He doesn’t cover everything in the book in this video but what he does cover helps out a lot when you are going through the book. I highly recommend getting a copy of the book and watching the video while you go through the book. (NOTE: I am not sponsored by this book or the video in any way. I just really like the teaching ability of the author and enjoyed the book.)
- DevOps With Python (Learning Path) — Real Python: This is a great site for all things Python. If you are new to DevOps or new to Python in general this is a great one stop shop for learning material. They do offer a subscription service however some of the articles are available for free. I highly recommend signing up if you are interested in Python as they publish new content weekly.
- DevOps in Python — Infrastructure as Python | Moshe Zadka | Apress: This is another book about DevOps with Python this time published by Apress. The book is a great resource for learning the ins and outs. It is a bit older than the one from O’Reilly but it still contains valuable information.
- Python for DevOps: Learn Ruthlessly Effective Automation: Gift, Noah, Behrman, Kennedy, Deza, Alfredo, Gheorghiu, Grig: 9781492057697: Books: I don’t really know what else to say here as this is the book that got me started down my DevOps path with Python and led me to write this article. I believe that anyone looking to start their path in DevOps if you know Python or want to learn DevOps and don’t have a programming language just yet you owe it to yourself to purchase this book and go through it. It’s an amazing book.
There you have it six really great resources for beginning your journey into DevOps with Python. I believe wholeheartedly that if you really want to get a job in DevOps Python is the way to go. I know there are other languages that you can use and that Python isn’t the end all be all language for it but if you are new to programming and want to dabble with DevOps Python will be easier to pick up and learn than Java or C#. Again this is just my opinion. I am not knocking either of those two languages in anyway. They are both great for doing tasks but Python to me makes sense since I come from a Network Admin past and Python was what I used for automating those tasks.
Thanks for reading and please let me know if you have any questions or topics you would like me to cover. I plan on posting a step by step tutorial soon. Stay tuned.